Workshop Submission

Resources for Early Object Design Education


In-class Discussion of Student Work


J. Philip East, University of Northern Iowa,







Essentially, this technique has three steps: students submit their work; the instructor reviews submissions to determine elements to address in class discussion; and the instructor leads a class discussion on the selected items. The items can be chosen to address a variety of topics -- code layout, documentation, language constructs used, design decisions, data representation/structures, etc.

A more detailed outline of the steps in the technique is:

  1. Request samples to critique.
    We want to get students to submit their work on the current assignment with the knowledge that the work may be critiqued in class.

  2. Identify items for discussion.
    The instructor examines the submissions selecting those that catch her attention. Both positive and negative exemplars are useful. Items can relate to a large variety of topics:

  3. Plan the discussion.
    Planning the discussion may require quite a bit or very little planning, depending on how comfortable the instructor is with the technique. Minimally, it appears that the instructor should:
    1. organize the selected exemplars into related groups
    2. identify the tradeoff issues illustrated by the items, e.g., correctness, efficiency, readability, maintainability, etc.
    3. identify questions to pose in case students fail to note some important aspect(s) of the example.
    4. plan the order of presentation and note whether (which of) the items might be shown simultaneously to illustrate alternatives or distinctions between good and less-good practice. An instructor example (for the same program/design) could be used if no satisfactory student is found.

  4. Discuss the items.
    A major goal in the discussion is to have students examine and (begin to) identify characteristics of good programs. The instructor should elicit student thoughts and judgment rather than lecturing on characteristics or differences illustrated by the exemplars. (I find that I talk too much, but I keep trying to get better at having the students see the characteristics of good programs for themselves.)

  5. Grade student artifacts.
    A major goal of the work was to alleviate grading time. The class discussion should have eliminated the need for providing feedback on individual programs/designs. A more quick and dirty perusal of the programs can now be used. (I found that it took more discipline than I had to do this. I still caught myself writing notes on programs. I did it less than in the past and will do it even less in the future, I hope.)



    See the Structure section above.


    This resource is a discussion methodology. I expect the most significant hurdle to overcome is that of the instructor's lack of experience in performing public critiques of student work. Insight and suggestions should be available in the literature on the case method (perhaps, case studies), on discussion techniques, and on questioning techniques.


    See the Structure section above.


    [ COPYRIGHT | J. Philip East | | 1998 ]