Robert Biddle

Robert Biddle profile picture

Adjunct Professor
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Research Interests

My interests are in the secret life of software: how software can work in rich and subtle ways with human expression and human behaviour.

My Active Research is in:
  • usable security,
  • games and media, and
  • agile development.

To find more about my research, visit the HotSoft research group and my personal web page at Carleton University, in Ottawa, Canada.


I was at Victoria University of Wellington from 1990 to 2004. I now work at various locations overseas, but I continue to collaborate closely with people at Victoria. My principal appointment is currently as Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the school of Computer Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

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Qualifications BMath(Hons), MMath Waterloo, PhD Cant, DipTchg, FNZCS
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